Tuesday, January 25, 2011
{insert funny title here}
This weekend was a much needed and used for resting and cleaning. Our house is a disaster and both me and the hubby are sick :( I started cleaning and then started feeling really bad so then I took a shot of DayQuil, and took a nap. Afterwards I felt refreshed and ready for more cleaning. I have this weird quirk that I acutally love to clean, but I have to get into my mode, and once i'm in it...WATCH OUT!! I'm a cleaning machine. It was also my first weekend at home with this new lifestyle diet plan thing. It was tough, and I didn't do that great, but better than I normally do. My hubby wasn't feeling up to cooking anything fancy like he normally does on the weekends so we decided to go out to dinner. He suggested Olive Garden (which I LOVE but he doesn't so much) so that was a treat in itself, but then we got there and they had a wait of...get this....1 hr and 20 minutes!!!! You don't keep a hungry girl from her pasta for that long and not lose a limb for it, so we decided to try Outback steakhouse instead. We walked right in and grabbed a seat. I looked at their menu options with the idea in mind that I wanted to eat "better" and they had a "make it light" option on the menu. I wanted the filet with wild mushroom which sounded sooo yummy! It came with mashed potatoes and fresh veggies but it said it could be "made light" but I curious to see exactly what that meant. Smaller portions? no sauce? so I asked the waitress and she said the make it light option isn't worth it because they take everything off and it's just the filet and veggies....hmmmm...not so good. so Brock said "why don't you just get the meal the way it is, but only eat half of it and then save the rest for tomorrow" DING DING DING!!! that sounded like a good plan. So I ate my filet with mushroom sauce and it was DELICIOUS!!! I skipped dessert but I did have a Mai Tai (woooo...CrAzY! :) )and it was a perfectly satisfying meal. Now I need to just re-adjust my thinking as to maybe not taking stuff out of my diet, but just more smaller amounts of it. My first step is cutting down the amount of carbs I eat and adding more veggies and fruits. I see a bright future ahead :) Peace out!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Diet is a four letter word
She said she loves black beans and tomatoes as snacks and then tries to add some protein and veggie to all of her meals. I used to not like beans at all (texture thing) but now i've been able to eat them and tolerate the texture a lot more so I was looking forward to trying these black beans. She brought in a sample and it tasted really good!! That night, after my workout, I went to the grocery store on my way home to grab some black beans, tomatoes, and any other vegetables I knew I liked to see what all I could make. She also told me how she makes omelettes in the mornings with lots of veggies inside so I wanted to try that too.
I got home, and my husband Brock was very confused as to why I all of a sudden had a craving for black beans, or even any kind of bean at all! I told him what happened that day and he got a little excited to see what we could come up with. We had some Mahi Mahi in the freezer from Costco, and so we decided to cook that, and put it on a bed of sauteed spinach, black beans, and tomatoes. It took a little longer that I thought, but it came out REALLY yummy! Who would have thought that I, little miss pasta and bread, would like a true vegetarian meal with no bread, sauces, or BUTTER! haha. We topped it off with a glass of milk (not part of the diet I was given, but it fit just right and brought out even more flavors!) and it was a truly satisfying meal.

Brock also showed me how to make an omelette and we put it in the fridge for me to eat the next morning. That will also be something i'll probably start making more. I just need to figure out how to make it exactly how I like it. The one we made was a little oily, so I think I just need to either not put so much "stuff" inside of it or maybe only use 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites to balance it out. Either way, I was soooo full that I had leftovers to bring to work the next day for lunch!
That night for dinner we had some stew that we love to make that had chicken broth, diced tomatoes, artichokes, chicken, mushrooms, and some pepper which we usually serve over cous-cous. Since i'm trying to cut back on breads, I didn't eat the cous-cous and just had the stew. It didn't tase as good (obviously!) but, I knew it's what I wanted to do. It was really hard though to watch Brock savour the flavor when I knew how it was SUPPOSED to taste...ugh! I'll appreciate it though this summer for sure! :)
So my next step is to take a page out of the book from my friend Muffy, who is all about slow-cooker recipies. I'm going to look for some veggie stews or concoctions that I can make the night before and have ready for me the next morning. With all the driving, gym-ing, and errand running I do, it'd be nice to just walk in the house and eat. *sigh* anywhoo....until next time my friends :)
Monday, January 10, 2011
My TV stole my wallet...
Magic Bullet:
It slices, it dices, it even makes cocktails! With this handy chopper and recipe book I can be the best quick chef ever and make multiple meals with a snap! At least according to the magical tv :) I think anyone who has a busy schedule should get this or if you want to eat healthier by adding more fruit/veggies into your diet without the tastes you may not like. Only thing holding me back is that it's a little expensive. but I think i'll be investing soon :)
The InStyler
It makes you look like you've walked out a salon EVERYDAY!! lol....okay so that might be a little over the top but it still seems pretty convincing. After asking the almighty Facebook panel about it a lot of my friends said they either have it themselves or know someone who has it and they raved about it. It's supposed to polish you're hair using a rotating iron and a bristle brush Kind of like when you go to the salon and they blow dry your hair while using a bristle brush (which apparently is physically impossible for me to do on my own) this styler has the same idea but with a straightener. It's $100 but some people said it only lasts a couple months and then breaks. I guess it all depends on how you use it and if you try to slam it down or something, but I have some coupons that might make this purchase a little less painful :)
The snuggie!!! If they had a pink leopard one i'd be ALL OVER that!!!! It really looks comfy especially when i'm watching all my shows in the other room that my hubby can't stand (i.e. anything on the Style network or HGTV) I know there are some patterns online that allow you to use whatever fabric you want to make your own...if I find one, you know what everyone will get for christmas next year!!! :)
Those are just a few of the things on my list for now.... other ones include more home improvment type things and of course beauty products. We'll see which ones I actually end up buying. :)