Wow! Forgot I wrote this... this was actually last week (1/18/11) but I guess I just saved and didn't post! well.... here it is anyways :)
This weekend was a much needed and used for resting and cleaning. Our house is a disaster and both me and the hubby are sick :( I started cleaning and then started feeling really bad so then I took a shot of DayQuil, and took a nap. Afterwards I felt refreshed and ready for more cleaning. I have this weird quirk that I acutally love to clean, but I have to get into my mode, and once i'm in it...WATCH OUT!! I'm a cleaning machine. It was also my first weekend at home with this new lifestyle diet plan thing. It was tough, and I didn't do that great, but better than I normally do. My hubby wasn't feeling up to cooking anything fancy like he normally does on the weekends so we decided to go out to dinner. He suggested Olive Garden (which I LOVE but he doesn't so much) so that was a treat in itself, but then we got there and they had a wait of...get this....1 hr and 20 minutes!!!! You don't keep a hungry girl from her pasta for that long and not lose a limb for it, so we decided to try Outback steakhouse instead. We walked right in and grabbed a seat. I looked at their menu options with the idea in mind that I wanted to eat "better" and they had a "make it light" option on the menu. I wanted the filet with wild mushroom which sounded sooo yummy! It came with mashed potatoes and fresh veggies but it said it could be "made light" but I curious to see exactly what that meant. Smaller portions? no sauce? so I asked the waitress and she said the make it light option isn't worth it because they take everything off and it's just the filet and veggies....hmmmm...not so good. so Brock said "why don't you just get the meal the way it is, but only eat half of it and then save the rest for tomorrow" DING DING DING!!! that sounded like a good plan. So I ate my filet with mushroom sauce and it was DELICIOUS!!! I skipped dessert but I did have a Mai Tai (woooo...CrAzY! :) )and it was a perfectly satisfying meal. Now I need to just re-adjust my thinking as to maybe not taking stuff out of my diet, but just more smaller amounts of it. My first step is cutting down the amount of carbs I eat and adding more veggies and fruits. I see a bright future ahead :) Peace out!
You don't necessarily have to cut carbs! Switch from white simple carbs to whole grains! I always buy Barilla whole grain pasta now. I like the texture and taste way better. It's not as mushy as white pasta! Plus, whole grain has more fiber so you feel fuller, longer! ;-) My grocery store has whole grain pasta for only about 30 cents more than regular pasta. Plus I stock up when it's on sale! Good luck chicky!