It's been a little bit since i've written, but there's been some good changes going on. As the seasons are changing, i'm trying to change a little as well for the better. I cleaned our bedroom and started throwing away clutter and just overall try to simplify things. Check with me next season to see how long this actually lasts. :)
I've started to try new things and actually completing them instead of getting bored half way through. My first task has been a Julie/Julia-esque project but with cupcakes. A while ago I bought this cupcake book and it has all kinds of tips for baking and for beginning bakers (like moi) and I have a couple people that I go to that would help me bake but I can never seem to get to see them, so i'm taking it upon myself to learn how to be a better baker so I can bake for the ones I love!
So for my first challenge, I began like everyone else does, on chapter 1: The Basics. It seemed like a simple recipe, or so I thought. It involved using just an egg yolk without the whites, sifting flour and sour cream as well as other tasks, so it seemed like many other recipies i've seen. TOTAL FAIL!!! I made the batter, filled the cups, and put into the oven The cupcakes barely rose at all, and they tasted like powder. No bueno. I should note that I was also making these as I was trying to make dinner all by myself as well (if you know me well you should know that is a big feat in itself) so I had a lot going on along with me being hungry cranky and a hungry husband upstairs. I didn't even get to the frosting to attempt that. I was defeated and tired and instead had ice cream for dessert that night. I have yet brought up the courage to try it again but I think this weekend I will look that recipe in the eye and say "I can take you!!" and whip that recipes ass! Take that Julia Child!
The other growth i'm trying to take is figuring out better ways to save money for me and my husband. We have the opportunity right now to create a nice little cushion for ourselves financially and I want to take full advantage of that while it's here. So i've turned to couponing. I saw it on tv about someone who was saving all kinds of money by just getting coupons out of the paper. I've done some research, watched videos, and have started my collection of coupons. Hopefully within a month or so i'll be a money saving machine!! i'll keep ya posted :)
You should post the recipe so others can try it too. :-) And please keep us updated on your couponing!! :-D