This weekend was a delightfully unexpected couple of days of shopping, saving, and sleeping (now that's my kind of alliteration!). As you are probably aware, this past weekend was the host of the most hyped traffic non-incident ever. Carmageddon!! The 405 was closed near the 101 and it was supposed to cause all kinds of trouble for travelers near and far. Cars were supposed to be on fire, people were supposed to be running out of water, and there was something I heard about zombies running around? I don't know. Sounds to me like another Michael Bay trailer, but that's another story Anywhoo...
I decided (like the rest of LA and it's surrounding areas) to stay home and get some things done near my house. First on my list was to finally use all these coupons I had been saving up. I finally took the time and look at the circulars last week and I emailed myself a list of deals that I wanted to take advantage of. One my list was Albertons, vons, and target. My biggest deal was at Albertsons, they were giving away (on saturday only) FREE 2-liter bottles of my favorite soda, Diet Dr. Pepper!!! Also, they had a sale on the laundry detergent I like to use. Normally it's like 7 or 8 dollars for a bottle of All brand detergent, but it was on-sale this week for $3.50!!! AAANNNNDDD I had a $1 off coupon for All detergent so it was a whopping
$2.50!!!! So i got 5 bottles of soda, and a bottle of laundry detergent for $3.50..I was ESTATIC!! I didn't get a chance to make it to Vons or Target that day, but it was okay, they're deals were kind of mediocre and the type that I could get later on so I was good. My savings day got even better when I went to Costco later that day. Now Costco is also known as "the 200 dollar store" because it seems almost impossible to come out of that store not spending a whole bucket load of money. Today was my lucky day!! It seems we had forgotton about some rewards checks that Costco had sent us in regards to our membership and once we found them, we went to use them on our next trip. I got all our usual items hoping that these rewards checks would lighten the load off our wallet, and when I got to the register I was beyond delightfully surprised. Our grand total for our groceries...(drum roll please.......)
$1.35!!!!! I almost fell over right there!! I could not believe it!!!!
So what does a girl do with all the money she saves?? Buy SHOES!!! I was planning on going shoe shopping anyways soon and decided to hit up my favorite shoe store....Marshalls!!! It's ironic because my grandma was always notorious for buying everyone's christmas/birthday/whatever gifts from there but they were always the wrong size, out of season, or just bizarre! Maybe it's because I was only 10 or so and so I didn't understand that value of a gift, but I wasn't amused. Now I LOVE going to Marshall's because they have all the name brands I love and are wayyyyyy cheaper than department stores. The only thing with them is that it's hit and miss. Some days it's a goldmine, other days its a rat hole. Today was definetley a goldmine day! I bought a total of 5 pairs of shoes for cheaper than what my groceries would have cost me at Costco if I had paid for them! Annnnd they're all brand names!! They include a pair of patent leather black Coach heels, a pair of pink leopard Paris Hilton heels, 2 pair of black Rampage heels, and pair of gold/silver Nine West heels. Now that's what I call a successful trip!! Now i'll just have to go back and find some cute dresses to wear with these shoes...oh woe is me!! :) here are some pictures of just a few of the shoes I got :)
One of my shoes even made the style blog at my work! Check it out:
Kost Style Blog