I aplogize in advanced if you have that song stuck in your head for the next 3 days after reading that title but this weekend it proved to be so true for me. When we're young and in our little bubble of homelife and school, people tell us how "it's a huge world out there" and "this is just the beginning", or my favorite, "you have your whole life ahead of you!" What they don't tell you, is that actually the world isn't THAT big and you can never fully run away from your past, wheather you want to or not. Especially now with the internet and all the social media that is available, connecting with people has never been easier! It's just a hop, skip, and a jump to that ex boyfriend you want to spy on or the girl your current boyfriend used to like just to make sure that you are doing better than them. It's amazing how one little phrase on the computer screen such as "mutual friends" can bring you to say "WTF??? how does person A know person B????" What always trips me out is when I meet someone and I tell a story about " a friend of mine" and then somewhere along the line they go "wait what's your friend's name?" followed by a "oh my gosh I've known them since ___(Fill in the year, event, or place they used to work at here)____.
This past weekend I had a similar experience but on the more positive side. I went to a bridal shower for a friend of mine that I recently got reconnected with thanks to the wonderful creation of facebook and it was great to see a whole group of people I hadn't seen since I was a "Highlander" in high school. Flashes of memories came flooding into my brain when I saw someone pull up with a license plate frame with my alma mater's slogan on it and I knew what I great time I was in for. The only problem with that, is that all those stories you tell people that make you think in the back of your head "it's okay to tell this story because there is no way they will actually meet the person im talking about" can backfire on you.....but I wouldn't know about that *~wink~* .. A great time was had by all and I can't wait for future adventures with these friends. So what's the moral of this story? If there is anything I can take from this it's don't forget the 6 degrees of seperation theory, and with all the new ways to connect in today's society, your past may be closer to your future than you think :)
Who is getting married? Who did you run into? Or should I just look on my "people you may know" section of facebook, to see who I may have mutual friends with then figure it out from there?? ;)